Our Pastors and Co-workers



Reverend Elijah Liang 梁以利亚牧师

Acting Senior Pastor 代主任牧师

Rev. Elijah Liang has been serving at Coronation since 1992. After completing his PhD in New Testament Studies (Taiwan Theological College and Seminary) in 2015, Rev. Liang was called by God to teach full-time at Singapore Bible College. He continues to serve as the Acting Senior Pastor at Coronation. Rev Liang strongly believes in equipping believers with the knowledge of the Word of God, for “the unfolding of your words gives light, it gives understanding to the simple” (Psalm 119:130).

Rev. Liang is married to Dr. Chu Mei Chuan, who earlier established Coronation’s English Service. They have two adult sons and the whole family worship and serve at Coronation. 

梁以利亚牧师自1992年就在加冕侍奉,目前他是加冕的代主任牧师。他于2015年完成新约研究的博士学位(台湾神学院),并回应上帝的呼召开始在新加坡神学院任教。梁牧师坚信引导人们更好地了解上帝的道,正如诗篇119:130所说:“你的言语一解开 ,就发出亮光,使愚人通达。”


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Reverend Samuel Tan 陈俊明牧师

English Service Pastor 英文事工牧师

Rev. Samuel Tan joined Coronation in 2018 as the pastor of English Service. Prior to Coronation, he held various leadership positions both in the church and at the marketplace. Through the guidance and grace of God, these key responsibilities had strengthened his skills in leadership, strategic planning, and human resource and organizational management. The more than 30 years of experience in the corporate world has also equipped him with the ability to lead and connect with the youths and families of the English Service.

Rev. Samuel is married to Sandy Neo and they celebrated their 33 years of marriage in 2020. Sandy is actively involved in the coordination and management of matters relating to the English Service. They have two beautiful and God-loving daughters.



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Deacon Low Mia Kiat 刘铭杰执事

Deacon 执事

Deacon Mia Kiat was ordained in 2001 and has been faithfully serving as a member of the Council, Outreach Department, Human Resource Department and the Young Adults Cell Group. He also works closely with the Pastoral Team in charting the direction and organization of the church. Deacon Mia Kiat is deeply concerned about the needs of people and also passionate about the word of God. He is married to Fen Nee and they have 3 incredible sons who also worship at Coronation.

刘铭杰执事按立与2001年,一直在理事会,外展部,人事部,青少年小组等多个领域忠心服事,并与教牧团密切合作,讨论策划教会的规划/指导等工作。 刘铭杰执事关心他人,对上帝的话语充满热忱。他与芬妮姐妹育有3个很棒的男孩,他们也正在我们中间一起聚会。

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Daili 戴丽姐妹

Church Administrator 教会同工

Daili is our church administrator who has been faithfully taking care of our finances and administrative tasks since 2000. She has a son who has graduated from university and joined the workforce.


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