
华语崇拜 (Mandarin Service)



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English Service (英语崇拜)

Whether you're just having a look, or are searching for a place to worship, we're delighted to welcome you to join us.

The English service is comprised of a demographic that includes youth, young adults and young families.

Time: 9.30am every Sunday.


Children Sunday School


We welcome your children to join our Children Sunday School! We will start with ice-breaker games, followed by a time of worship and Bible storytelling before ending with handicraft for the kids to have fun. Join us from 9.15am to 10:45am.

如果您有孩子,我们很高兴欢迎你带来参加我们的儿童主日学!我们将从破冰游戏开始,接着进行崇拜和圣经故事,然后以手工艺品结束,为孩子们带来乐趣。请从9.15am到10:45 am加入我们。